Oz links

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"There are a good many roads here," observed the shaggy man, turning slowly around, like a human windmill. "Seems to me a person could go 'most anywhere, from this place."
The Road to Oz (1909)

These are some links to other Oz-related pages that I have found. Please feel free to explore them.

Some of these sites are available in more than one place, or a number of different sites cover the same topic. When this happens, I have the links consecutively lettered. If one letter doesn't work, try another — or visit them all! Also, some sites are listed more than once, if their content fits more than one category.

Sites may be temporarily unavailable due to networking or routing problems, or for maintenance. If a site you want is not currently available, try again later.

The maintainer of this site holds no responsibility or control of the contents of any of the sites linked here. They are included here only for informational purposes. Inclusion on this page should not automatically be considered an endorsement or approval.

General Oz (and some children's literature) sites

Wizard of Oz discussion forums

About the Oz books

Online Oz books

L. Frank Baum and his works

For Oz writers

Oz art

Oz personal sites

Oz blogs

Oz plays and costumes

Oz movies, radio, and television

The famous film version

''Return to Oz'' (1985)

''Wicked'' (book, play, and possible movie)

''Oz the Great and Powerful'' (the 2013 Disney movie)

Oz comics and comic books

Unusual interpretations of Oz

Oz for teachers

For Oz collectors

Events, conventions, and places to visit

High tech and online goodies


Where to buy Oz books

Swaps, trades, and auctions

Where to buy other Oz stuff

Want to link to my website?

Permission is granted to all who want to to link to my website. I only ask two things:

  1. Please provide a link to my main page, at http://thewizardofoz.info/. You may link to any other pages on my site in addition, however, if you wish.
  2. Please let me know (mailto:wizard@thewizardofoz.info) that you have linked, and tell me the URL of your site so that I can link back to you if your site is Ozzy enough.

I do not do formal link exchanges, but these guidelines essentially do the same thing.

  • If you want to use a text link to my main page, you may cut and paste the HTML code below:

<a href="http://thewizardofoz.info/" target="_blank">The Wonderful Wizard of Oz Website</a>

It should look like http://thewizardofoz.info, but take you to the website in a new window or tab.

  • If you want to use a graphic link to my main page, use the HTML code below:

<a href="http://thewizardofoz.info/" target="_blank"><img src="http://thewizardofoz.info/pics/OzBanner.jpg" width="730" height="114" border="1" alt="The Wonderful Wizard of Oz Website" target="_blank"></a>

It will display a banner that looks like this:


Your visitors can then click on it, and it will send them to my homepage in a new window or tab.

If, in the last decade or so, you sent me a request to link to your site, it has now been dealt with. I have now investigated every site sent to me that I squirreled away for way too long, and I have either put them up, found that they no longer existed (oops), or deleted them as irrelevant and not at all about Oz.

Solicitations for link exchanges from sites that are clearly not about Oz and are obviously being sent to many different websites are now treated as spam, and are deleted without any response. So don't even bother trying.